Pizza kick-off parties are starting at high schools, and the Minnesota Urban Debate League staff was excited to drop in and visit Patrick Henry High School for theirs! It was a fun time for everyone, and the students were able to talk about debate, share their answers to funny food-for-thought questions, and have delicious pizza.

It’s always great to have established debate team members in the room to share their debate experience with newer students. Some students came by hovering near the door, unsure whether debate would be for them, and found themselves welcomed in by teachers and peers.

The MNUDL’s Administrative and Program Assistant Genesia Williams is an alum of Patrick Henry and got a big cheer from the students!

There was a ton of interest from the twenty students and everyone was excited by the idea of being the person that everyone else will be listening to.

Then the room divided into small groups to tackle the following difficult questions, an exercise that gave the new students a feel of what it is like to argue their perspective to the whole room.


Patrick Henry alum and MNUDL staff member Genesia Williams was a big hit with the team.


  • “Would you rather be a Dragon or have a Dragon?” (“Owning a dragon would make me feel like a princess.” “If I was a dragon I could fly and be magical.”)
  • “Would you rather have no knees or no elbows?” (“No knees because I couldn’t be a writer if I didn’t have elbows.” “No elbows because I bike a lot.”)
  • “Would you rather have to use vinegar eye-drops or sandpaper toilet-paper?” (“Sandpaper, because you didn’t specify how many time we have to use it.” “I said sandpaper for the same reason.”)
  • “Would you rather be able to change the past or see the future?” (“Past, because you can’t do much about the future.” “Seeing the future lets you know that your hard work pays off.”)

Big thanks to Mrs. Stammers and Mrs. Roth, and the Patrick Henry High School debate team for welcoming us to their kick-off party!