How to Give Without Spending a Cent
Barb Schmitt added a $500 gift to our Virtual Learning Supply Drive – without actually opening her checkbook!
How did she do it? She leveraged her dual role as a member of our Advisory Board and the Chief of Staff for Secure Infrastructure at Microsoft.
Many employers match charitable giving – but did you know they may also pay an hourly rate for your volunteer hours?
Microsoft pays $25/hour for employees’ volunteering time, and as a board member, Barb’s put in 20 hours of time this year.
“It is a wonderful way to increase your support of MNUDL, just by making sure you are logging time you would have spent anyway!” Barb adds.
Why She Gives
Barb competed in Lincoln-Douglas debate during high school, and there’s no exaggerating its impact: “I can honestly say that my greatest impact in life, outside of my family, has come through debate!”
Barb has seen all sides of the activity: as a competitor, as a coach, and as a parent of a former debater. She tells us:
The impact of debate on my life could fill pages and pages! I learned the value of research and evaluating sources; how to organize information, and my thoughts. I learned to win and lose with grace. But even more importantly, I made lifelong friends as a debater, and then I became a coach and mentor for others.
Barb has served as a member of our advisory board for two years, leveraging her skills connections to support our organization.
“I give to MNUDL because I want as many kids as possible to have the opportunities that I had – to learn, to test their limits, to have fun being smart, to love ideas and make friends.”
Want to maximize your impact? Find out whether your gift qualifies for matching funding at Augsburg’s Matching Gifts page and contact your organization’s corporate giving office.