Summer debate camp will be starting on June 20th, and we are excited to see our awesome staff assembling for the 12th annual MDAW session!
Alix Dahl was the Director of Residential Life last year, and is returning this year:

Alix (standing far right) with the students during our 4th of July Celebration last year.
My name is Alix Dahl. I have been a debate couch for four years at Roseville High School. I debated in high school, and then when I graduated my old coach was moving on. My coach asked me if I would be willing to be an assistant couch, and here we are!
Day to day, I make sure that students were where they were supposed to be, in addition to organizing daily activities and the Fourth of July festivities.
I really love working with kids, and I’m going to school to be a teacher. It’s really cool especially having worked with many of the same kids over the years to see how they grow and change and become adults. It lets me see the impact of debate in a really hands-on way.
I think that it’s really important that we make space for students. Traditionally debate has been a very upper class, white, male activity. And I think that the MDAW helps reduce that and make room for students who would otherwise be excluded, and they can bring their own experience and narratives to debate.
This is my favorite story from last year: there was one girl who was having a bad day. So all of the girls on her floor got together and made her this really nice card, put together this care package, and ran down to the lobby for her singing Shake it Off. It was really nice. I think that says a lot about the type of students who participate in this community.
I think it’s invaluable to make sure that camp is valuable to students of all kinds, and that we are reaching out to students of all kinds because our job is to be sure that all students are safe and having a good time.