The Student Leadership Team is a student-run board whose goal is to improve MNUDL programming, provide leadership opportunities for our students, and further incorporate student voice into our organizational structure, while also promoting an agenda of youth agency and empowerment.
Our student leadership Team
Our Student Leadership Team has identified the following priorities:
Creating Resources and Support Systems
The SLT is working to create shared resources between teams, including an evidence drive, practice and demo debates. They are also working to emphasize open-sourcing and disclosing on the wiki.
Making Tournaments Fun, Engaging and Comfortable
The SLT is working to make all MNUDL tournaments more approachable and fun, through spirit days and activities, and by working to make sure everyone has a place and person to turn to.
Promote League-Wide Community & Unity
Closely related to the two goals above, the SLT aims to connect debaters, schools and programs. They’re working to implement sister schools, and improve outreach between our 6 different programs.
Contact the student leadership team
The Student Leadership Team can be reached at, on Instagram @mnudl_student_leadership_team or by filling out this form.